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Winners of The BOBs take the stage

The best bloggers in the world were presented with their awards at a ceremony held Monday at the Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum. The BOBS – Deutsche Welle Blog Awards – are selected and presented annually.

Tunisian blogger Lina Ben Mhenni was presented with the award for this years best blog. The 28-year-old professor at the University of Tunis has been writing about social and political events in her country in a blog called “A Tunisian Girl” for several years. She writes in French, English and Arabic.  “When I saw how people were being killed it became clear there was no going back,” said Ben Mhenni. “I had to ensure that the voices of these people and their families be heard so that they hadn’t died in vain.”

Find out more about the ceremony and the award winners in the official press release or on The BOBs website.



2011-06-20 | 5:40
