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Women Talk Online

A forum for women to talk to women

What our fans say

0,,17195745_101,00We would like to thank our 114,000 (and still counting!) fans for commenting on our posts. Here’s a selection of comments we found the most interesting.


Our post called, “Papers prove Japan forced women into second world war brothels” on 29 April received several comments.

Heidi M Breuer says, ” Sad but the worst part is the Japanese won’t admit to the fact sad just unbelievable sad.”

Our quote of the day on 29 April was, “Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape. Go to the source and start there.” -Kurt Cobain

 Aparna Priom says,  that the ones who behave like this are not normal, they are abnormal.


On 27 April, we posted an article called “Killing babies or extramarital sex – which is worse?”

Samina Qureshi believes, “It’s all haram do such things in islam.”

But Hazirah Nair says, one should teach couples to use condoms and birth control pills.


Pema Tsomo commented on our post called, “World with more women leaders will be a better place: Malala – Newspaper.”

She says, Malala is a symbol of power and hats off to her!


On 26 April we posted a link about a tech millionaire who beat his girlfriend and still escaped jail despite the strong evidence against him.

Pamela Ayers says, “Rich people ALWAYS get away with crime, they pay cash for ‘justice’.”


30.04.2014 | 12:12
