dreadlocks – Generation Change https://blogs.dw.com/generationchange Whether they are campaigning for free press in Zimbabwe, helping provide clean water in India, or offering free music lessons to underprivileged kids in the UK, young people all over the world are making a difference. Wed, 16 Nov 2016 16:49:27 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Fighting cancer with dreadlocks https://blogs.dw.com/generationchange/2014/05/fighting-cancer-with-dreadlocks/ Tue, 13 May 2014 16:24:24 +0000 http://blogs.dw.com/generationchange/?p=5105 Kelly Dortmands has spent a decade growing her meter-long dreadlocks, but now she’s planning to shave them all off. She’s not doing it to change her look or to make a fashion statement. The 32-year-old is shedding her 53 dreads for a good cause – to raise money for cancer.

Cancer is currently the number one cause of death in the Netherlands. Kelly has seen it affect the people close to her, including her mother and her friend.

Kelly wanted to do something to help. She’s hoping to raise 5300 euros – 100 euros per dreadlock – for the Dutch Cancer Fund.

Listen to the radio report by Laura Postma in Den Bosch, Netherlands:

Kelly has been growing her dreadlocks for ten years (Copyright: L.Postma)

Kelly has been growing her dreadlocks for ten years (Copyright: L.Postma)

Kelly decided to raise money for cancer research after her mom, pictured left, was diagnosed with the disease (Copyright: L. Postma)

Kelly decided to raise money for cancer research after her mom, pictured left, was diagnosed with the disease (Copyright: L. Postma)

Kelly is hoping to raise 5300 euros for cancer (Copyright: L. Postma)

Kelly is hoping to raise 5300 euros for cancer research(Copyright: L. Postma)
