lifestyle – Insider The latest news about DW and its services. Tue, 22 Jan 2019 09:23:22 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Recognition for “max x” Tue, 11 Dec 2012 14:10:41 +0000

A Euromaxx segment has been given recognized by the Accolade Competition. At the end of November, the strange world of max x was given an Award of Excellence in the “comedy series” category. With max x, DW has found a clever way to dissect modern society. Sometimes he has to wrestle with the technical pitfalls of his mobile phone, and other times it only takes a folding chair to drive him crazy. He’s just a normal guy trying to cope with the challenges of modern life.

CNCDP to introduce Euromaxx in Chinese Tue, 13 Dec 2011 09:44:14 +0000 DW’s daily European lifestyle magazine Euromaxx will be repackaged by CNCDP China for the Chinese market and other Mandarin-speaking audiences. According to a new coproduction agreement, CNCDP China will incorporate a local host and Mandarin voice-over to create a Mandarin version, with 78 hours of programming.

Euromaxx is one of DW’s most popular shows in Asia and showcases the glitz and glamour of European fashion, design, food, culture, arts, architecture and music.

CNCDP will have broadcast rights for all their channels as well as distribution rights to other broadcasters in China. This is not the first time that Euromaxx has been repackaged into another language in Asia. Last year, 26 episodes were coproduced with Xinya Media in Singapore for broadcast on their regional channel.
