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Search Results for Tag: women

Pakistan, women and politics

What makes Malala Yousafzai stand out is not only her unwavering resolve to continue education, but the ambition to be a politician, which is quite an exception for most Pakistani women. One wonders, how come?


30.11.2012 | 12:52



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‘Drop Dead’

Tough and feminine, Niki Marwah is a crime detective, a woman in a man’s world and a woman who loves shoes. Indian author Swati Kaushal talks about the leading lady in her crime novels. Kaushal’s book “Drop Dead” is hitting the stands and is the first novel to portray a woman cop in the leading role.


09.11.2012 | 16:06



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An unfair God?

A woman kneels in prayer at a mosque in Kashmir, India.

Dargah Haji Ali is a famous landmark in Mumbai and attracts thousands of visitors every year. The glittering marble structure is laid out on a rocky bed 500 yards into the Arabian sea off the coast of South Mumbai. The iconic shrine has inspired odes from Bollywood and has been sought out by people of all religions over the decades, but soon, women will be denied entry into the famous shrine.


07.11.2012 | 14:43



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A promising future, conditions apply

The first time I met her, I noticed her branded handbag, her golden wrist watch, her light pink wrinkle-free coat and a black chiffon scarf carefully wrapped around her head. I wondered if that was what she was all about. In my next talk with her, I realised there was more to her than her impressive carriage and subtle, yet strong arguments.


31.10.2012 | 16:07



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‘I can’t hold a gun in my hand and shoot’

Most of the women in Indian administered Kashmir never think of choosing theatre as a career option. Even if they want to be a part of theatre, the conservative set-up forces them to opt for a more “decent” career choice. In a place where no woman has ever dared to work for theatre, Ifra Kak took the first step. Born and brought up in Jammu, Ifra is the daughter of Mushtaq Kak, a well known theatre actor and director.


31.10.2012 | 14:21



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Celebrity status saved Savile

There are reports of Jimmy Savile’s involvement in child abuse cases on almost every news site in the UK. Jimmy Savile, a famous TV personality, passed away last year. He is accused of sexually abusing nearly 200 girls and one boy. Most of the cases date back to the 1960s and the 1970s and complaints are pouring in nearly one year after he died.


31.10.2012 | 13:22



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‘Let me be myself’


I was once talking to an Afghan man about living in Europe and America, about the advantages and disadvantages. Very unexpectedly, he said something which surprised me. He said, “I would never choose to live in a foreign country together with my wife because I’d lose all control over her.”

Marina Zaffari talks about her search for her identity as a woman and a wife in Afghanistan.


25.10.2012 | 15:42



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