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Ethiopia’s Hydropower Plant

Ethiopia is building the biggest hydropower plant in Africa. It will be called the "Grand Millennium Dam" and it'll be constructed right on the Nile river, about 40 kilometers from the Sudanese border. Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has already laid down the cornerstone on the dam.


The Grand Millennium Dam, which will cost about $4.8 billion US dollars,  is expected to generate 5,250 megawatts of energy and be completed in just four years. Just to give you a little perspective, Ethiopia's new hydropower plant will have the ability to generate twice as much energy as Hoover Dam in the U.S. Ethiopia has a lot of potential when it comes to hydropower, and officials there want to tap into that opportunity. Plus the plant will provide jobs and an economic boost to the country.


Is hydropower underutilized in your country? Tell us about the hydropower projects in your area!


April 10, 2011
