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Thinking for a cooler world

oezcerkesm | Reporter's Log

Bali Surfing

Ok, you think it's all the fancy life for our reporters and camera folks crisscrossing the planet on their quest for exciting stories? Well, yes. And no, because much of it is very hard work, including hours of shooting on trash dumps. But even when a little break seems well deserved our reporter Manuel and cameraman Axel stay on the job – sort of. While Manuel is crafting the story that's supposed to come out of all the footage, Axel is exploring new frontiers with his cameras. Check out the result for yourself. We bet you've never experienced surf-riding as intensely as here – unless you've been on a board yourself:

Here's what Manuel says: "During a break we took some surf-pictures. We put a special camera on the Surfboard of Nino, the surfer. At the end of the take the camera broke. Many thanks to Nino." For anyone interested in repeating the stunt, Axel adds: "This video was shot in a few hours at Keramas Beach with the Go Pro HD (720p, 25fps) and the Sony EX 3 (Full HD). Rough Cut and no color correction. Many thanks to Nino, the Surfer."


January 13, 2011
