Search Results for Tag: Nobel Prize
Women in the News
Violence and destruction are the only things the Yazidis ever experienced in ISIS captivity. Now more stories have been revealed and some tell of unbelievable brutalities toward women. But now Yazidi women decide to take action against ISIS and form Sun Brigade, an all-women unit of the Peshmerga, the Kurdish armed Forces. Read more here, and other news about women that made it to the headlines.
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15.10.2015 | 23:01
#DayoftheGirl, #ISISchan, female genital mutilation, FGM, ISIS, nepal, Nobel Prize, Peshmerga, Sinjar, women's rights, womensrights, Yazidi
Women in the News
(Copyright: picture-alliance/dpa)
Following the death of her son, a Muslim mother vowed to dedicate her life to promoting peace. Now she is doing her bit to combat Islamic State terror. Read more here, and other news about women that made it to the headlines.
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17.04.2015 | 12:35
Boko Haram, Chibok, Christian, Hillary Clinton, IS, ISIS, Islamic State, Kosovo, Malala Yousafzai, Nigeria, Nobel Prize, Yazidi
