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Comments of the Week


What should you do to live longer than 100 years? We have the ‘right’ recipe for you here. The post with this topic got the most comments from readers this week. Are you one of them? Maybe your comment has been picked for this week’s Comment of the Week. Check out here!


Marianna Tolvanen Even if it would be scientifically proven that because of marriage I could die earlier, I would do still this step. It’s nothing nicer in the world than having a person you love & loves you, a family. For me the quality is more important than the quantity. A part of us remains in our children & will continue to live… (Facebook, October 31)
Shahtaj Alaamm Kishwer Asfand truth has been spoken (Facebook, October 31)

Myfriends Callmeyoda If that is true then there would be only one generation of really old folks! (Facebook, November 1)
Ola Grodecka This is the best example that the refugee crisis cannot be dealt with the way it’s been so far. You cannot issue an open invitation to everybody who wants to come to Europe and say it’s humanitarian way. It is the most unhuman way, because those who really need help and should be helped are not getting it at all. Instead, they are mixed with hundreds of oportunists and fanatics, whom ironically they often wanted to flee from. Then, in the refuge camps they are subject to further abuse by their fellow camp dwellers. How can this be called humanitarian? This crisis has been going on for quite a while, ever since first refugees arrived on Lampedusa island by the sea and nobody did anything since to find human way of selecting those who really need help and transporting them safely to Europe and sending back those, who don’t. Instead we have chaos, people dying and suffering , and it seems there is no end to it. The German chancellor did the worst thing in this crisis she could do. It is time to realise that and stop this madness. (Facebook, October 31)

For Channel 4 News – The amazing story of the 105-year-old who fled Afghanistan to reach Europe.
Joachim Quainoo is it the mass truth? If you currently date a woman who is not smart you are in a big trouble. Why? The smart woman knows what to do at the time you need her for something. She will discuss with you your success. (Facebook, October 22)

Jonathan Rizzo Not all men! I appreciate a woman’s intellect and seek it out when looking for a partner. (Facebook, October 22)

Aaron McClure Not True. I dated and married one. Unfortunately, sigh, she is smarter than I. (Facebook, October 22)
Joachim Quainoo A month can’t tell how you people love each other. Study for one or more years before you marry the person you call Mr/Ms Right. (Facebook, October 29)


‘The tragedy of this family should not be the subject of this kind of satire”

Charlie Hebdo has always courted controversy. Ever since it was founded it has tested the limits of free speech over and over again. The magazine has consistently published its cartoons with complete disregard to personal, political, social or religious sensitivities according to the principle that satire knows no limits. And this principle remains at the heart of satire in the Western media simply because it plays a vital role. It is a means of presenting or challenging opinion in a compact and devastating form which no lengthy editorial can match. (From September 18, 2015)

‘The first marriage is practice’

“The first marriage is practice.” This statement from a novel I read some time back left an indelible mark in my brain, especially since I’ve been through a divorce myself. Or let’s say, I’ve had some “practice” and that’s why this Indian advertisement struck a cord with me. (From November 30, 2013)

Tips for successful relationship

We always discuss women’s issues, such as domestic violence, anxiety and depression and most of the times men are blamed for all these problems. I have seen many women end their marriages because they think that they are being oppressed by their partner even when it is not so. Have we ever thought, how we as women can have better love or marriage relationships, and eventually can live happier lives, even when we have problems? (From April 30, 2015)


07.11.2015 | 11:22
