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Workout tips/hints for the busy women of today!

"Fotolia/Kzenon "

“Fotolia/Kzenon “

Amidst our daily stress women in particular encounter difficulties combining work and leisure time. The enormous pressure to succeed at work has a serious impact on our lives because we do not really have enough time for hobbies, relaxation and sport. We come home tired and we just want to chill on the couch. The thought of getting up to go to our nearby gym for an aerobic course or other activities is just not on our minds.

But the question is just how women with exposure to high stress at work can play a visit to the gym? How can she make it happen so she can relax and enjoy the workouts?

In the following overview I want to give you some tips as to how you can do your workouts even during the week.


30.01.2015 | 11:15



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Women in the News

"picture-alliance/AP Photo/Saurabh Das"

“picture-alliance/AP Photo/Saurabh Das”

Here’s a round-up of women’s news that made it to the headlines. Did we miss
something? Let us know through your comments.


27.01.2015 | 9:33



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Women in the News

A young Senegalese girl under cover in her mother's traditional clothes, while they attend the official renouncement ceremony of Female Genital Cutting (FGC) in Kidira, eastern Senegal, Sunday 12 March 2006.  Rights: picture alliance/dpa

A young Senegalese girl under cover in her mother’s traditional clothes, while they attend the official renouncement ceremony of  Female Genital Cutting (FGC) in Kidira, eastern Senegal, Sunday 12 March 2006.
Rights: picture alliance/dpa

Here’s a round-up of women’s news that made it to the headlines. Did we miss
something? Let us know through your comments.


22.01.2015 | 10:05



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How to relax

What are some good ways to relieve stress and relax? And how can meditation help both body and mind cope with stress?


18.01.2015 | 20:48



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Women in the News

(Copyright: Fotolia/drubig-photo)

(Copyright: Fotolia/drubig-photo)

This weeks women in the news focuses on following topics:


09.01.2015 | 14:05



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Breast ironing: ‘Yes, I did this to my daughter’


Credit: Creative Commons

Fomuso Kazua (name changed) was just a few days shy of turning 12 when she attained puberty. That was also when she started showing signs of developing breasts. One day, out of the blue, her mother told her that she would have to do something that would seem unpleasant to Fomuso, but she had no choice because all girls had to go through it.


27.11.2014 | 11:43



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Marred happiness: a case of post-partum depression


Copyright: imago/imagebroker

We don’t accept the severity of situations until we find ourselves in tough spots.  Some of us remain silent while others seek help. I choose to write about it.


18.11.2014 | 11:14



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