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Rapper twins shrug off stigma of albinism

Twin brothers Clifford and Rene Bouma stand out in their community in northern Cameroon. Not only are they accomplished rappers, they’re also albinos – a rare condition affecting people from all ethnic backgrounds where the skin lacks pigmentation. In Cameroon, albinos still face a great deal of discrimination, based on fear and misinformation. Clifford and Rene, both 25, use their music to restore their own self-confidence, encourage tolerance, and give hope to other albinos around the world. Today, they are both university students: Clifford studies anthropology and Rene political science.

Listen to the report from Ngala Killian Chimtom in Yaounde, Cameroon:

Rapper twins shrug off stigma of albinism

Rene and Clifford Bouma

Rene (left) and Clifford Bouma rap for tolerance


Tuesday 04.09.2012 | 12:30
