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Cambodian girls defy gender barriers to excel in technology

The Cambodian government has begun an initiative aimed at encouraging young women to study science and technology. The goal is for more women to become the future leaders in the country’s growing IT sector.


18.07.2018 | 15:24



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Female Embodiment: “A woman’s body is a place where decisions are made for her”

Standing in front of a row of five paintings, four of them featuring a woman while the other one was a canvas of eyes, Phaving Phung beamed with pride.


18.07.2018 | 15:05



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Why we need to teach our daughters to say “no”

Imagine waking up every morning and rushing off to take the kids to school and then being late for work. You walk in late for the meeting one morning, and later during your break your colleague needs someone to talk to about personal issues. And you don’t want to show a lack of empathy, but you also realize that you are running over time and need to get back to work. Before you know it, it’s time to go home, well, to pick up the kids in your case and you’re running late but then your boss decides to hand over some tasks to you because you’re so ”reliable” he says….


17.07.2018 | 14:02



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Riot Days: Pussy Riot’s acts of defiance

Members of the feminist punk group have been sentenced to 15 days in prison after a pitch invasion during the World Cup final in Russia. We look at some of their most high-profile protests to date.


17.07.2018 | 13:47



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Giving her all for gibbons

Mariani and Ellek, the first rescued gibbon that she ever took care of. © Mariani Ramli

Mariani willingly sold her house and her beloved superbike, and she used up her personal savings for the small apes.


16.07.2018 | 13:53



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Tattoos in the Horn

Unique facial and body markings are used across the Horn of Africa to enhance female beauty, although some are more controversial than others.


16.07.2018 | 10:09



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Uganda: Demanding justice for women

Women’s Protest Working Group (WPG) demands justice for victims and calls for security and protection for all women and children in Uganda. They organized a women’s protest march on June 30th, which went ahead despite the police’s initial refusal to grant a permission.


14.07.2018 | 19:47



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