Search Results for Tag: Sarona Wolter
Why we need to teach our daughters to say “no”
Imagine waking up every morning and rushing off to take the kids to school and then being late for work. You walk in late for the meeting one morning, and later during your break your colleague needs someone to talk to about personal issues. And you don’t want to show a lack of empathy, but you also realize that you are running over time and need to get back to work. Before you know it, it’s time to go home, well, to pick up the kids in your case and you’re running late but then your boss decides to hand over some tasks to you because you’re so ”reliable” he says….
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Sex robot reveals an implicit acceptance of male aggression towards women
At a trade show in Austria, a sex robot named ‘Samantha’ was put on display to show off her advanced features and realistic human-like qualities. She not only talks, but also has built-in sensors all over her silicon body that can respond to romantic and sexual gestures. During the first two days of the show, the $5000 sex bot was introduced to interested parties under the watchful eye of its developers Dr Sergi Santos and Arran Lee Squire of Synthea Amatus. On the third day, the developers decided to leave her unsupervised for men to do as they pleased.
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Red Carpet Revolt
This year the 75th Golden Globe Awards took a rather different turn, intentionally steering away from the glitz and glamour of parading women in designer dresses like cattle. This time the stars banded together to speak up against the superficiality, misogyny, and gender bias that prevails in Hollywood. This comes in the wake of the disclosures about Harvey Weinstein’s harassment of female actresses that has since brought down many other powerful male key players in the industry too.
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Celebrate diversity and embrace beauty that is authentic
I grew up in Apartheid South Africa, but I also experienced it change into a democracy.
It’s really crazy how the system of apartheid didn’t just oppress people based on the color of their skin, but also turned ethnic groups against another. White supremacy also fueled the way we perceived beauty. I remember, year after year, watching Miss South Africa beauty pageants and being in awe as tall, white and blonde women almost always became the prized queens of the pageant. And I remember how ugly it made me feel that I would never be considered ‘beautiful’ if beauty pageants, Barbie dolls and models on the covers of magazines were anything to go by.
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GirlHype – Empowering women and girls in South Africa
Amidst the grandeur of Cape Town, SA’s main tourist hotspot, lies the informal township of Khayelitsha. In stark contrast to the affluent neighboring towns in Cape Town, many people are afraid to venture here and few believe that any good can come from this community. However Baratang Miya, a self-taught software developer and the founder of the non-profit organization GirlHype, believes otherwise. Through her organization, she aims to empower women and girls with technology and entrepreneurship. She delights in finding “wealth” in a community such as Khayelitsha.
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She is worth far more than rubies – Real men don’t pay for sex
In 2016, #blessed took on a whole new meaning in South Africa, as supposedly “blessed” women took to social media, aka virtual reality, to unashamedly flaunt their gifts of luxury holidays, expensive cars, kitted from head to toe in branded, fancy threads.
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“You have taken my body, but you will never take ME”- Jes Foord’s story of surviving gang rape

© Jes Foord Foundation
Rape culture in South Africa has become somewhat of a norm, a sign of its pervasive nature and society’s biased attitude towards gender and sexuality. Official statistics do not always reflect the fact that so many cases go unreported. This enduring nightmare often leaves victims helpless and scared for life. One victim of rape, decided to turn her status around, by taking this horrific crime and making it work for the greater good of the community around her.
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