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Search Results for Tag: Cape Verde

Miguel rescues Cape Verde’s endangered giant sea turtles

Giant sea turtles in western Africa are threatened with extinction. But Miguel from Cape Verde faithfully patrols the beaches to keep them safe while they lay their eggs.

Miguel rescues Cape Verde’s endangered giant sea turtles

Miguel and a giant sea turtle

Miguel makes sure the turtles find their way back to the ocean

DW reporter Carla Fernandes on meeting with Miguel in Cape Verde:

Boavista island on Cape Verde has lovely beaches! When I went there that was all that came to my mind. But this beauty became much deeper when I realized the meaning it has for the balance of an animal species like the marine turtles. Marine turtles prefer sandy beaches to make their nests. So looking at the white sand gain a new meaning: life. It was impressive to see a sea turtle laying her eggs on the sandy beach of Curralito and I was much more moved by this experience than I thought I would be.

Visit the Turtle Foundation’s website.

Here is the Turtle Foundation’s blog on its work on Cape Verde.


Tuesday 13.09.2011 | 12:37



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