Search Results for Tag: Elle Wong
Why Malaysians are lukewarm about the #MeToo movement
“You should take it as a compliment,” a female boss once said to her subordinate, when the latter told her that a male colleague had been making crude remarks about her breasts.
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After Malaysia’s historic 14th general election: What do women want?
MANY countries have long had female prime ministers, but not Malaysia. The appointment of a female deputy prime minister on May 10th – a day after the country’s momentous 14th general election (GE14) – was a first.
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Hair matters
First, you notice more hair on your hairbrush and on your bathroom floor. Then, more of your scalp seems to be showing along your part line.
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“People with disabilities should not be stigmatized”
WHEN Jessica Cox pumps petrol at the gas station, people usually stare because she does it with her feet.
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Surviving the Pap test
Women cringe at its mention but its importance remains undisputed. Yes, I am talking about the dreaded Pap smear.
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A long way to go towards equality
WHILE reading a business report last month that listed Malaysia’s top 40 richest people (in 2017), it struck me that only one of them was a woman. And she ranks 19th at that.
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In the name of beauty: Do collagen-based products work?
Let’s face it; the majority of women want to look good.
Whether you are someone who would never be caught dead without full makeup, or you’re comfortable walking around with just a layer of lip gloss, like most of us, you too are likely to sigh at brown spots and frown at fine lines.
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