Search Results for Tag: Africa on the Move
Market roundup: September 2017
DW has new partnerships in The Gambia with the state television and radio station Gambia Radio and Television service (GRTS). The DW programs included are Africa on the Move, Eco@Africa, In Good Shape und Kick off! Also in Gambia, DW is now radio partners with Paradise FM Radio, BIZ FM Radio and Capital FM, which will be broadcasting DW’s radio shows AfricaLink, Crime Fighters and Learning by Ear.
One of Indonesia’s leading video websites,, is including DW’s Indonesian-language technology show Inovator along with selected programs from DW English with Indonesian subtitles.
DW and DW (Deutsch) are now available in Thailand on the TrueVisions Anywhere app for iOS and Android, developed by the country’s largest cable provider.
DW content is available on Google Home – Google’s new speech-assisted, interactive speaker system operating on Google Assistant software. The voice-activated system can answer questions, control smartphones and play music. Audio news reports from DW in English and German, as well as slowly spoken news reports in German for learners. DW content will also be rolled out in the future on Google Assistant software for Android
Market roundup: December 2016
Latin America
DW has two new online partners in Venezuela., one of the top-three news and information websites in the country, is now including full articles from DW in Spanish., another very popular Argentinean news site, has embedded a DW content box on its news page.
Also in Argentina, Canal 4 San Juan is now a part-time DW programming partner. Included are Spanish-language news broadcasts and the programs Economía, Todo gol, Escápate und Primer plano.
DW has added 20 TV partners for the environmental program Eco@Africa at the DISCOP trade fair in Johannesburg. The program is produced in cooperation of Channels TV in Nigeria and KTN in Kenya and is valued in African markets for its outstanding and insightful reporting.
News content from DW is being integrated into Mail & Guardian Online, a news website in South Africa. Included are full-text articles and video feeds from Africa on the Move.
Journalists with DW’s Europe desk used new live streaming technology to shoot a live broadcast in cooperation with the Serbian public broadcaster RTS. Using DMNG safe stream app on a mobile device, a Serbian anchor from DW was broadcast live in Belgrade on the morning talk show, “Tako stoje stvari” (That’s it).
The Finnish telecom provider OYI is carrying DW (Deutsch) in its cable and IPTV package. OYI has an estimated 500,000 subscribers.
Get AS cable network is new broadcasting partner for DW’s English-language channel in Norway, with around 500,000 subscribers.
Channel 44 in Adelaide, Australia is now regularly broadcasting PopXport, Arts 21, Europe in Concert and Kick Off! to a potential audience of 1.25 million viewers.
Wah Cable Network and Seven Star Digital in Wah and Karachi, Pakistan are carrying DW’s English-language channel and together reach 30,000 subscribers.

DW adds a new dimension to cooperating with African media
Across Africa from Kenya to Nigeria, a new media-savvy generation is emerging along with a new demand for opportunity, development and quality journalism. By reaching out to individuals, creating new partnerships and actively encouraging media development, DW has created a foundation for success in different African markets, while at the same time giving value back.
By adding value to partnerships and cooperating with local media in different regions, DW can help improve people’s lives with information and help set examples of transparency, legitimacy and professionalism in media.
DW’s international media development organization, DW Akademie, is very active in Africa and has been for over 50 years. DW Akademie’s first international project was a radio training program in Rwanda. Their newest initiative is a recently-signed partnership with Aga Khan University Graduate School of Media and Communications (AKU-GSMC) in Nairobi, Kenya.
The university is focused on developing media professionals for the Kenyan media market. DW is there to help guide and educate them with world-class standards of journalistic practice. In return, DW will gain valuable insight into the nuances of the local media landscape. The six-year agreement centers on the development of professional education and training standards for communications experts in East Africa. Through exchanging experience, competences and ideas, both sides will benefit. DW gains visibilty in an important media market and the courses at AKU-GSMC can improve and develop with the expertise and experience provided by DW Akademie.
Kenya is one of the quickest growing media markets in Africa and there is a burgeoning interest in media education amongst young Kenyans. The market is growing more competitive and innovative.
DW recently produced a journalism competition for young journalists in Kenya. They were asked to create a journalism project that profiled a local hero in their region. Local heroes are people who make a difference in their communities and help those around them. The competition was organized in cooperation with The Standard Group, which is the largest media company in Kenya. The competition showed how through cooperating with partners, DW can affect the lives of people in African target audiences while gaining valuable partners and a positive local image.
Nigeria is another important market for DW in Africa. DW has been expanding its presence in the region after adding two foreign correspondents last year in Lagos and recently signing a deal with Channels TV, the largest news broadcaster in Nigeria. The deal includes direct DW reports from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange produced exclusively for audiences in Nigeria. This example of coproducing and sharing technical capacity is a model for the future of how DW will provide international quality journalism to local audiences.
Programs like Focus on Africa and Crossroads Generation emphasize individuals who help to set examples and serve as role models. They provide examples that turn away from the image of the continent as only being beset by turmoil and focus on positive actions from a younger generation.
DW will succeed in African markets by working with partners, reaching people where they are, educating media professionals and promoting journalism education. These are all very positive steps with the consistent goal to improve the overall media landscape in African countries.
