Search Results for Tag: International Women’s Day
It’s time to close the gap
International Women’s Day is that time of year when the women of this world get a whole entire day dedicated to gender equality, and this year it was about pushing for progress in the work place. Excuse me if I’m a little jaded, but after a series of interviews with young professional women trying to crack the glass ceiling and secure leadership positions, it seems their dreams are somewhat a pie in the sky, as their challenges keep increasing.
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Women’s March in Jakarta: Voicing Demands Together
The motto is #LawanBersama or fight together. Women from many organizations demonstrated in the capital city of Jakarta and voiced their demands together.
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International Women’s Day 2017
#Beboldforchange. This is the motto of this year’s International Women’s Day. The motto itself suggests that change is not something which can be made easily. Are we the ones who boldly need to make the change? Or do we just have to boldly accept changes? What does making bold changes entail?
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Can I, a German woman, dare to complain on this March 8?
When I take a look around the world on “International Women’s Day” I am filled with horror. Millions of my fellow women are fighting for sheer survival. Fighting for a life free from permanent violence, free from fear of their male surroundings. Fighting for an independent existence on a par with the male part of the population. And they are doing all this without much real hope of immediate success.
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Women’s Day in Germany: Still a long way to go
Women’s Day isn’t much of a thing in Germany. This is a pity considering that the holiday is the perfect occasion to highlight how far the country has come – and what still needs to change in terms of gender equality.
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Are we our own worst enemy? You judge
“Feminism is about giving women choice. Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality. I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it. It’s very confusing.”
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Women at work worldwide – #BeBoldForChange
International Women’s Day celebrates women’s achievements while calling for gender equality. See how women perform in jobs that are often still considered “men’s jobs” and what they have to say.
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